College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
College - Author 2
College of Engineering
Department - Author 2
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Electrical Engineering
College - Author 3
College of Engineering
Department - Author 3
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree - Author 3
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Jason Poon, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
This project performs speech recognition using analog circuits to compute the Fourier transform of a voice signal. There is a digital portion of the design to perform a comparison between the desired Fourier transforms and the voice signal’s Fourier transform. Due to time limitations, the project is limited to a set command that the circuit can execute. The design is also focused on the vocal frequencies of women due to the stark difference between men and women’s voices. Analog circuits are not being used commercially for speech recognition at this time, but there is research being done on methods to do so. The final design achieves an accuracy of 54.57% when tested on women saying the word “on”. The system was built around the frequencies found in audio recordings of the word “on”, and because of that it will only function consistently when the word is intentionally said and each syllable is clearly pronounced. Because the system relies on comparators to determine whether the word is present, the word must also be said loudly enough due to the gain limitations of the microphone setup used.