College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
College - Author 2
College of Engineering
Department - Author 2
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Dennis Derickson, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
This project investigates the adverse effects of the Doppler Shift on a LoRa waveform transmitted from a Low Earth Orbit Satellite or LEOSAT. This work is on behalf of Project OWL, who will use these results to justify further investment into developing a LEOSAT for their communication network. Part of the project is to design a test setup to replicate the Doppler Shift in the lab. The Doppler shift replication setup distorts the transmitted waveform, similar to how the signal gets distorted if sent from a LEOSAT. The test setup will comprise both software and hardware control, wherein software, the user provides a center frequency of transmission, LEOSAT orbital altitude, and maximum range of signal transmission. Once given test parameters, the software will calculate the Doppler shift as the satellite travels overhead, then send information to hardware that modulates the output of one of Project OWL’s radios to apply the Doppler shift to a transmission. The software will monitor another radio receiver, and determine if communication is theoretically possible from a LEOSAT to one of their radios.