College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Electrical Engineering

College - Author 2

College of Engineering

Department - Author 2

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in Electrical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Jason Poon, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department


A common problem that many devices have when operating is overheating. Whether it is operating at full capacity or idle, those devices that we use exert heat to some type of extent. The physical and electronic components of the device can only withstand so much heat before the component becomes damaged. This product provides a method of preventing overheating by being a cooling system for your device. A solution for preventing overheating of the components in these electronic devices is by having some sort of cooling system. Our product’s cooling system will be based on energy efficiency, which means that there would not be any unnecessary cooling on components that don’t need to be cooled down; the product will be able to drop the temperature of the overall system to the desired temperature by cooling down specific components that are undergoing extraneous processes and exerting large amounts of heat. Another way our product targets energy efficiency is by turning on/using a certain number of fans based on the temperature difference, with each fan operating at variable speeds to achieve optimal cooling. These points of efficiency will allow the product to not pull too much power. The key features of this fan cooling system are three 12V fans and a sensor that can analyze temperature. The operation of this product is powered by the M580’s variable data types. This aims to achieve a cooling system that detects when the device or certain components within that device are overheating and adjusts the motors of the fans to regulate and maintain a certain temperature.
