College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
College - Author 2
College of Engineering
Department - Author 2
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
NFN Taufik, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department
DC operated devices and appliances powered by AC systems suffer inefficiencies resulting from the losses of converting AC energy into DC energy. At Cal Poly, the DC House Project aims to minimize the need for AC electricity in homes and encourage the use of renewable energy systems. The DC House uses a 48V DC bus that must be stepped down for use with increasing number of DC loads in a typical home. In this project, a Smart USB-C Wall Plug is designed to work with USB Power Delivery to provide a variable voltage output for use with these DC loads that operate at 5V, 9V, 15V, and 20V up to 3A. The Smart USB-C Wall Plug was implemented in hardware using a custom PCB and tested to show that it met requirements for 1% line regulation, 1% load regulation, 5% voltage ripple, 90% efficiency, and 60W maximum power. Further measurements demonstrated that the output voltages except for 5V met the 1% line regulation and 5% voltage ripple requirements.