College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Electrical Engineering
Primary Advisor
Andrew Danowitz, College of Engineering, Computer Engineering Department
Additional Advisors
Jean Dodson Peterson, College of Agriculture, Wine and Viticulture Department
This report documents the design of a field-safe and portable tool that helps field hands identify how many wine grape nodes to prune per cane. This practice allows for a more bountiful harvest. The device indicates to the worker whether to leave one, two, or three nodes on a cane. The device is attachable to a set of industry-standard shears to allow for efficient and cost-effective pruning.
The device add-on can withstand a typical 8-hour workday and is able to be used in bright sun, clouds, and rain. Additionally, the device is able to differentiate between small, medium, and large canes to produce a real-time recommendation of the number of nodes to leave.