College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Electrical Engineering



Primary Advisor

Xiaomin Jin, College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department


Communication is key to day to day activities for all companies and people. Wireless communication has made us expect more from our tools. Radio Frequency has been the preferred medium for a couple decades, but there is a need for faster secure communication. Free Space Optical Communication is an alternate wireless communication system which uses optics to create a link. It utilizes low-power and converts an analog signal into digital pulses which are transmitted across space to a receiver. Its only caveat is its vulnerability under atmospheric obstacles. The goal of this project is to create a free space optical transmitter and receiver link that can circumvent the attenuation inherent in adverse weather conditions such as fog presence.

The target requirement for the system is to enable multiple wavelength transmission at safe power levels through non-optimal conditions with minimal errors in the link. The receiver reads the signal as a current input which is amplified to establish an optical link. The integration of optical wavelengths will improve the quality of transmission. The system will strive to minimize signal attenuation from atmospheric obstacles such as fog. This solution will offer customers an alternative wireless medium to Radio Frequency in which Free Space Optical Communication offers a higher bandwidth link at faster speeds while consuming less power. It also offers the same high speed bandwidth seen today in fiber optic cables at a fraction of the cost due to the free space element which eliminates physical wires. Intuitive FSO systems that combine these specifications with a potential transmission distance of up to 2 kilometers will prove to be lucratively successful in industry.

The end result will enable more widespread adoption of FSO technology in addition to securing cheap, smaller community footprint data handling for customers of nearly all business structures. Customers will benefit from an ecologically resilient wireless communication option that ensures security and transmission at competitive speeds.
