"Poly Canyon Cogeneration System" by Jaideep Gill

Department - Author 1

Electrical Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Electrical Engineering



Primary Advisor

William Ahlgren


This senior project focuses on the simulation of the Cal Poly – Poly Canyon Cogeneration facility using SKM. The purpose of this project is to model the cogeneration system in the SKM software so theoretical calculations and analysis can be executed. This required an ample amount of research of the facility, collecting data about the cogeneration facility, a deep understanding of one-line diagrams, and efficiently learning the SKM software to produce an adequate model of the system. The data was obtained and examined from the Cal Poly facility offices. The cogeneration facility was simulated with a power systems analysis program called SKM, which was provided by a lab room in the electrical engineering building. The analysis performed on the overall system included a load flow study, a fault analysis, and an arc flash evaluation. With the results of the SKM software, the engineers working in the facility department can use this data for future improvements to the system. Improvements that could be made include adding protective devices at areas that are susceptible to faults, figuring out future power flow conditions, and using arc flash data to make the system safer. After project completion, I learned about power system design and protection in the fundamental form. I also learned how to isolate faults using protection devices. Additionally, this project has provided me with real-world knowledge in terms of power system design, and a better understanding of devices such as transformers, motors, and most importantly, generators. This project has also helped me learn the powerful SKM software that is used in the industry today for power system design.
