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Published in The 2012 ASEE PSE Section Conference: San Luis Obispo, CA, April 19, 2012.
The purpose of this study is to examine student perceptions of lecture video use as a means to increase available time for in class problem solving in a teaching and learning context. A portion of face to face lectures was replaced with prerecorded lecture video whose viewing was assigned for homework. The freed lecture period was used for additional in class problem solving development, without sacrificing the theory and background that is fundamental. In order to assess the effectiveness of the change in format, student perception was assessed through an anonymous online survey. The survey was given at the completion of a course. The data was collected in two electrical engineering courses. The first was a required sophomore level circuits course and the second was a senior technical elective power electronics course. The survey is a tool to both determine the value of the additional face to face problem solving time and the effectiveness of the video lecture as seen by the student. Students will be asked if they enjoyed the class more than a traditional lecture course and also if they feel they were able to perform at a higher level due to the format. They will also be surveyed to determine if full use was made of both the video lecture and the in class problem solving sessions. The responses showed strong student support for the format and students perceived that they were able to learn material more effectively. There was little difference in the proportions of responses from the different courses despite the different level of students and different instructors. Only student perception was measured and actual student performance data was not assessed as a fair control group could not be established without imposing a perceived disadvantage on one group of students. In total there were 90 students surveyed across the two courses.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
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