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Published in International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics International Proceedings: Bandung, Indonesia, January 1, 2007.
The demand for high performance, more flexible and reconfigurable dc-dc converters has pushed dc-dc converter designers to seek for alternative ways to control the pulse-width modulated switch inside the dc-dc converter. During the past few years, efforts have been put forward both by academics and power semiconductor industries to phase out the most commonly used analog PWM controllers with digital controller with its associated software. This paper presents an experimental result of designing and building a 5W synchronous buck converter that employs a microcontroller to process the output voltage signal and translate it into PWM signal to control the switches inside the buck converter and hence regulating the output voltage. Design requirements, procedures, component selections and measurement results will be described in this paper. In addition, operating performance of the buck converter as a result of implementing the digital controller will also be discussed, along with the description of the actual schematics and the final printer circuit board of the circuit.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2007 IEEE.
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