Economics | Orfalea College of Business | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Faculty in the Orfalea College of Business conduct research that advances theory, informs practice, and improves our understanding of the complex interface between technology, human behavior, organizations and markets. Their research addresses real-world problems, involves students when appropriate, influences public and regulatory policies, and contributes to experiential-based learning. The departmental areas promote and maintain a multitude of opportunities for industry to advise and further the interests of students and faculty.

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Submissions from 2022


Sweating the Energy Bill: Extreme Weather, Poor Households, and the Energy Spending Gap, Jacqueline M. Doremus, Irene Jacqz, and Sarah Johnston

Submissions from 2021


Birds of a Feather Lockdown Together: Mutual Bird-Human Benefits during a Global Pandemic, Michael Brock, Jacqueline Doremus, and Liqing Li


The Effects of Recreational Cannabis Access on Labor Markets: Evidence from Colorado, Avinandan Chakraborty, Jacqueline Doremus, and Sarah Stith


Import Restrictions by Eco-Certification: Quantity Effects on Tropical Timber Production, Matthew T. Cole, Jacqueline M. Doremus, and Stephen F. Hamilton

Submissions from 2020


How Does Eco-Label Competition Affect Environmental Benefits? The Case of Central Africa’s Forests, Jacqueline M. Doremus


Off-label Use of Recreational Cannabis: Acid Reflux in Colorado, Jacqueline M. Doremus, Sarah S. Stith, and Jacob M. Vigil

Submissions from 2019


Unintended Impacts from Forest Certification: Evidence from Indigenous Aka Households in Congo, Jacqueline M. Doremus


Simpler is Better: Predicting Consumer Vehicle Purchases in the Short Run, Jacqueline M. Doremus, Gloria Helfand, Changzheng Liu, Marie Donahue, Ari Kahan, and Michael Shelby


Using Recreational Cannabis to Treat Insomnia: Evidence from Over-the-Counter Sleep Aid Sales in Colorado, Jacqueline M. Doremus, Sarah S. Stith, and Jacob M. Vigil

Submissions from 2012


Return, purchase, or skip? Outcome, duration, and consumer behavior in the rent-to-own market, Michael H. Anderson and Sanjiv Jaggia


Fragmenting Forests: The Double Edge of Effective Forest Monitoring, Andrew R. Bell, Rick L. Riolo, Jacqueline M. Doremus, Daniel G. Brown, Thomas P. Lyon, John Vandermeer, and Arun Agrawal


Obesity and Hyperbolic Discounting: An Experimental Analysis, Timothy J. Richards and Stephen F. Hamilton

Submissions from 2010


Second-Best Tax Policy and Natural Resource Management in Growing Economies, Steven P. Cassou, Arantza Gorostiaga, María José Gutiérrez, and Stephen F. Hamilton


SO2 Policy and Input Substitution Under Spatial Monopoly, Shelby Gerking and Stephen F. Hamilton


A partial defense of the giant squid, Sanjiv Jaggia and Satish Thosar


Do Expenditures on Tobacco Control Decrease Smoking Prevalence?, Michael L. Marlow


The Influence of Private School Enrollment on Public School Performance, Michael L. Marlow

Submissions from 2009


Rent-to-own agreements: Customer characteristics and contract outcomes, Michael H. Anderson and Sanjiv Jaggia