"Generating a nutritional dairy cow ration based on green waste out of " by Nicole Mendoza

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Gustavo Lascano


The objective of this literature review was to assess the accessibility and utilization of waste like products for inclusion into the dairy ration in San Luis Obispo County. With feed prices continually rising, alternatives to the very expensive feedstuffs should be continually explored. In this review, papers based on grocery store waste, viticulture waste, Cal Poly waste, and crop waste were explored to determine the feasibility of including these products into the dairy ration economically. Aspects evaluated were availability, nutrient composition, storing and handling and a viability of undertaken this system to supplement dairy cattle feeding. As a result it was concluded that more in depth research is needed based on the nutritional value and limitations to the specific crops that are most abundant on the central coast. It was also concluded that a further in depth analysis of Cal Poly waste, ie; from the various dining facilities as well as the extensive agriculture that is already in place on campus is necessary to asses the available nutrients. Further research on the nutritional value of the feeds explored would be necessary because there is little research available on the number one crop in San Luis Obispo, strawberries, and its impact on the ruminant animal. There was a considerable amount of research done on the utilization of viticulture by product based on the nutritional components and process in which the by- product was collected. Several other papers were cited based on the inclusion of wine grape by product into a ruminant diet. This is area specific to the central coast because of the extensive wine industry surrounding the San Luis Obispo area.
