College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Bruce Golden


There are many different bedding sources that you can choose to help prevent mastitis and overall cow comfort and wellness. Many aspects are involved when searching for the best alternative source of bedding. The goal of this literature review is to determine the optimum alternative-bedding source in regards to mastitis control and cow comfort. This literature review was guided by analyzing thirty-five journal references, which regards mastitis and sources of bedding. The most common sources of bedding are sand, recycled manure, mattresses, and sawdust. Each bedding sources has advantages and disadvantages, which you can make the case for each bedding source to be the best. Keeping cows housed in well maintained bedding is extremely important to ensure your quality product. Bedding that is wet or dirty will increase your likeliness of mastitis and jump your somatic cell count up. Cows do not always react well to mastitis and your milk production will go down as well as your cull counts will increase. This review of literature will determine the best bedding sources to help prevent mastitis and raise cow comfort.
