"Comparison and Implementation of Data Evaluation Systems within the Ca" by Connor Wagner

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Amy Lammert


The objective of this project is to implement a new data evaluation system at the Cal Poly Creamery. This project examines the implications of using hard copies versus an Excel spreadsheet to store and evaluate data obtained from the quality control department at the Cal Poly Creamery. By reviewing the current system of data evaluation that utilizes hard copies, the need for a new system of data record keeping was necessary. The history of the creamery’s quality performance needs to be reviewable in a quick and easy manner. By utilizing Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables, this means of historical data evaluation can be used by the creamery. A Pivot table can be very powerful when used within an Excel spreadsheet for multiple data point evaluations. The information in a pivot table can also be made into a graph for a visually appealing way of evaluating data in the spreadsheet. Within the spreadsheet, data will be recorded by the date the product was made, product type and the test ran on the product. By using this spreadsheet data can be recorded quickly and easily. Also, the data evaluated can be emailed to the necessary people for their approval. Third party audits can be performed on the creamery, and without this information recorded in a computer the audit will be more difficult and take longer to look through a binder of unorganized hard copies. Hard copies are good to have as a back up in case the computer crashes, but utilizing the power of the computer makes data evaluation fast and easy. The implementation of the new data evaluation system needs to become a standard operating procedure. Training exercises will need to be held in order for proper utilization of the spreadsheet. A flow chart diagram has been generated for easy training on the data evaluation system as well, which can be seen in Appendix 1.
