College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Bruce Golden


The objective of this senior project was to create a more useful handbook that employees will read, condensing the existing but still retaining the important information. Along with updating the handbook, I plan to implement the use of the employee handbooks. An employee handbook is an important solution to help employers and employees have consistent information. An outdated employee handbook can create problems in the workplace. New and changed laws occur every year and the firm will want to ensure that the employee handbook and policy handbook are up to date with the most recent laws and policies to mitigate a potential lawsuit. Souza’s Dairy, Inc.’s old, long employee handbook needs to be consolidated so that readers will read and understand the policies of the handbook. The old handbook was reviewed to consider what genuinely needs to be kept and shown to employees. The results showed that there were many important aspects that employees need to know. You do not want any confusion concerning overtime, vacation policies, payday, and such. There are many legal aspects that you want to ensure are correctly explained to employees and you must learn to do that effectively. Without effectively and properly addressing certain issues within an employee handbook, you can face problems and potential lawsuits.
