College - Author 1
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Department - Author 1
Dairy Science Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Dairy Science
Primary Advisor
Leanne M. Berning
The objective of this study was to compare factors of reproductive efficiency between two separate ovulation synchronization programs, with one that includes presynchronization of all fresh cows and one that does not ovsynch cows until they have been found open after initial insemination. In recent years, reproductive efficiency has declined as other areas of the dairy business have continued to excel. The investigation was performed on two dairies in Hart, Texas, White River Ranch and VB Dairy. The dairies include herds of 5,000 and 3,000 milking cows, respectively. Data was retrieved using Dairy Comp 305 and covered a two month period of each program, on each dairy. Data compared included Days to First Breeding, Conception Rate, and Pregnancy Rate per AI. Results found that the presynch program was successful in all areas measured. The presynch program helped to lower days to first breeding, and raised conception rate as well as Pregnancy Rate per AI. An ovsynch program preceded with the presynch protocol, can increase reproductive performance on a dairy.