College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Stan Henderson


The objective of my senior project is to determine if California Mastitis Test (CMT) and the Porta Side Somatic Cell Count (SCC) Test is equivalent to the DHIA laboratory somatic cell test. The data was taken from the Cal Poly Dairy on October 19th, 2010. Samples were taken from eight Holstein cows during milking time and the tests were run in the barn. These eight cows were the highest somatic cell count cows at the Cal Poly Dairy on the previous test day October 9, 2010. During milking the cows were pre and post dipped before the samples were taken. Two tests were run in the barn, the CMT test and the Porta Side Somatic Cell Count (SCC) test. The other test was sent to the Kings County DHIA lab in Hanford, CA. To run the CMT test, milk was squirted into the CMT paddle but separated by each quarter. Quarters were indicated by A, B, C, and D to ensure correct results. Milk was then squirted into the sample container for the DHIA lab tests. The study suggests that each test has varying results for SCC Counts. All three tests varied in determining the number SCC for each quarter. The Porta Side Somatic Cell Test had results that corresponded well together on over half of the cows that samples were taken from. The California Mastitis Test (CMT) did not give clear results, therefore; CMT tests give a general idea on whether or not the cow is infected in a quarter. The DHIA and Porta Side Somatic Cell Tests gave clear and the most accurate results within this study. Eight high Somatic Cell Count Cows were checked out of two hundred cows at the Cal Poly Dairy. Thirty-one quarters were sampled with the DHIA and Porta Side Somatic Cell Test. Results were close with twenty-six quarters close, within 100 SCC) in range between the two tests and six quarters that varied on results.

Included in

Dairy Science Commons
