"Effects on Jerseys and Holsteins, Milk Production, Intake, and Feed E" by Michael Areias

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Dairy Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Dairy Science



Primary Advisor

Gustavo Lascano


The objective of this literature review was to determine if it is more efficient and cost effective to use Jerseys instead of Holsteins for milk composition and production. In respect to the animals Dry Matter Intake (DMI), and its environmental impact. To research if you can make more money per animal with less ground, less input, and less production with a certain much smaller breed, such as Jerseys. This paper reviewed important aspects of the two breeds that are relevant and practical to producers. The ideas and opinions presented in the paper are a result of a review of the current literature having to do with each breed. Information provided throughout the paper attempts to link practices that producers use with breed differences in respect to efficiency. A central theme portrayed throughout the paper is that Jerseys have the potential to be more efficient and economical compared to Holsteins. Economic losses from an insufficient breed could be detrimental to a dairy farm these days. Many crucial areas of an operation such as reproduction, milk components, milk production, diseases and regulations are sectors that cause the most losses to producers economically. Even though switching breeds may seem overwhelming and not worth it to many producers, if already milking a less sufficient breed, the economics just might show it to be worth it. This paper attempts to show that the potential for a greater income in these tough economic times, when using a more efficient breed.
