Recommended Citation
Postprint version. Published in Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition Proceedings: Grenoble, France, March 14, 2011.
At the time of publication, author Andrew Danowitz was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly
The definitive version is available at
Creating parameterized “chip generators” has been proposed as one way to decrease chip NRE costs. While many approaches are available for creating or generating flexible data path elements, the design of flexible controllers is more problematic. The most common approach is to create a microcoded engine as the controller, which offers flexibility through programmable table-based lookup functions. This paper shows that after “programming” the hardware for the desired application, or applications, these flexible controller designs can be easily converted to efficient fixed (or less programmable) solutions using partial evaluation capabilities that are already present in most synthesis tools.
Computer Sciences
2011 IEEE
Number of Pages
Publisher statement
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