Recommended Citation
Published in Proceedings of the 21st Large Installation System Administration Conference: Dallas, TX, November 11, 2007, pages 49-62.
Accurate performance testing of heterogeneous distributed systems, such as those created using GRID technology, requires a consistent method for retrieving system performance data from multiple platforms. This paper presents CAMP: a low-level platform independent performance data API designed for use with distributed testing frameworks.
CAMP is not necessarily tied to the distributed testing task: it provides a simple, low-level interface into operating system performance data that can be used to build complex performance measurement applications. This paper discusses CAMP's functionality and implementation in detail. It also contains a detailed analysis of the API's correctness, performance, and overhead.
Computer Sciences
2007 by Mark Gabel and Michael Haungs.
Publisher statement
Presented at 21st Large Installation System Administration Conference. Published by the USENIX Association.