"Method for Automatic Level Matching in a Local Network, in Particular " by Hans Thinschmidt and Franz J. Kurfess


A method is disclosed for automatic level matching in a local network, particularly for a multicomputer arrangement, comprising an optical bus system, for the purpose of collision recognition. Given a required level matching, the process is executed such that a fundamental phase is provided in which level matching devices respectively individually assigned to the computers are synchronized with one another. A first matching phase is provided in which all level matching devices simultaneously execute a process for setting a reference voltage to the lowest received level, whereby the sum of all attenuation components of the signal path at the receiving side of the appertaining computer is taken into consideration. A second matching phase is provided in which all level matching devices successively execute a process for setting the transmission level of their own transmitter such that the emitted light power at its own receiver leads to the receiving power registered as lowest, whereby the sum of all attenuation components of the signal path at the transmitting side of the appertaining computer is taken into consideration.


Computer Sciences

KurfessF_US-Patent-4809363.pdf (94 kB)
U.S. Patent # 4809363 - Document 2 of 2



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