"Student Usability Project Recommendations Define Information Architect" by Erika Rogers


This paper demonstrates how interaction and usability evaluation techniques (e.g., Preece 2002) support the restructuring of information in a number of functional library areas. Senior level computer science students studying human-computer interaction principles worked with library leaders on three different projects: i) a prototype of an interactive data visualization application for more effective collections management; ii) usability recommendations for improving access to the electronic database systems; and iii) design and development of a technology-mediated, Web accessible digital research portal. All three cases started out as quarter-long (8-week) class projects with teams of three to four computer science students whose goals were to explore the principles of user-centered interaction design, development and/or usability in the context of an in-depth practical application.


Computer Sciences



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/csse_fac/154