Policies for Change the Status Quo Conference
Who Can Submit
Change the Status Quo Conference only publishes materials about work conducted under the auspices of Change the Status Quo Conference. For additional information, please contact the editors.
Updating or Removal
A paper may be updated or removed from public view by sending a request to the editors. DigitalCommons@CalPoly is designed to provide long-term, persistent access to deposited items. However, a situation may arise requiring the removal of an item. When this becomes necessary, contact the editors and together we will determine the best course of action.
Author Review
Authors do not have an opportunity to approve papers they have submitted prior to them becoming publicly available on the site; therefore, please be sure that the paper is ready for public distribution.
Rights and Permissions
Plain Language for Contributor Agreement
The DigitalCommons@CalPoly asks that you, as the creator and contributor of your work, grant the university permission to share your work in an open-access digital environment, which is intended for educational purposes. You and any co-authors retain all intellectual property rights to your work. You are giving the university permission to make your work available to all users and to migrate it to accessible formats as necessary. The university will not make any changes to your work. Requests for use of your work for purposes other than education will be referred back to you as copyright holder.