"Frontier - A Bus Rapid Transit system in Frisco, TX" by Matthias Berry

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in City and Regional Planning



Primary Advisor

Keith Woodcock, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, City and Regional Planning Department


This study explores the increasing inaccessibility produced by reliance and catered infrastructure to mass ownership of personal vehicles. Accessing employment, service, and activity destinations has become extremely difficult for those who cannot possess, afford, or operate personal vehicles; even cyclists have a more difficult time navigating roads due to limited infrastructure and accommodations. Public transit has often become an afterthought within cities, with local routes competing with other cars on the road and adding to overall traffic volume. Bus-Rapid Transit (BRT) systems are an expanding concept within car-centric regions, often being called the "subways, but on wheels", that not only change the hierarchy of traffic were implemented but make bus-form transportation more efficient and accessible. The North Texas city of Frisco was chosen for two reasons; the city has an increasing presence in the region due to the multitude of diverse businesses and people wishing to call the municipality home, and there is an absence of a centralized public transit system. According to the Department of Transportation, economically thriving communities are often the ones with good public transit systems. Finally, this study proposes a BRT route within Frisco called "Frontier" (page 23). The purpose of this system is to improve interconnectivity and accessibility of Frisco's residents, giving them an option for an alternative, affordable, and efficient mode of transportation.
