"Home Based Business Ordinance for the City of Reno" by Maxwell HP Johnson

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in City and Regional Planning



Primary Advisor

Keith Woodcock, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, City and Regional Planning Department


Home based businesses allow for some commercial and business activities to occur within private residences by residents without the need of commercially zoned properties or structures. Home based businesses provide affordable accommodation for less impactful small businesses, but can additionally impact neighbors and communities with negative externalities when not properly regulated. The City of Reno, Nevada currently faces rising land prices and limited availability of commercial properties. Such conditions increase the adoption of home based businesses, and combined with the lack of regulation can create nuisances within communities.

The ordinance proposal analyzes relevant legal cases, case study ordinances, and the contemporary needs of the community to best regulate the operation and growth of home based businesses within the City of Reno through a permitting process and performance standards.
