College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in City and Regional Planning



Primary Advisor

Adrienne Greve, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, City and Regional Planning Department


Highways in the United states were designed to connect us; however, they ultimately created a loss of connectivity within communities. Physical and socioeconomic segregation are a staple among American cities due to the greed of the automobile industry beginning in the 1920’s (Klein, 1996) and racially fueled highway engineering of the 1950’s (Mohl 2002). Public space doesn’t require a key, and in a truly democratic society, these areas are inclusive to all (Deutsche 1992), however, there are still holes in connectivity, spurring automobile dependency, siloed neighborhoods, environmental justice issues and ultimately, only benefiting those with access to an automobile and residing further from high trafficked roads and highways. This project connects challenges of the past and present advancements in planning. San Luis Obispo shares a history with cities all over the US that have been and continue to be divided by highways. In February 2021, the City of San Luis Obispo published an Active Transportation Plan that addresses the gaps in the City’s bicycle and pedestrian network. The reason is there are many major roads that accommodate vehicles more than cycling or walking and about 60 percent of the City’s population does not have a comfort level to ride or walk these routes, which is understandable considering the associated collision data combined with the lack of safe infrastructure (City of San Luis Obispo 2021). The other reason is San Luis Obispo has been subjected to the highway 101 placement that runs through the City, dividing land uses and neighborhoods and eliminates safe connections for bicyclists and pedestrians. The project identifies a grade separated crossing as a design solution to link two neighborhoods in San Luis Obispo scarred by the highway 101 by designing a route unimpacted by the highway. The goal is to mend a flaw in the current active transportation network created by the highway 101 and is inspired by the City of San Luis Obispo’s mission for a more bikeable and walkable community and also the history of how highways have spoiled American neighborhoods that surround them.

Available for download on Tuesday, June 09, 2026
