
The City of San Joaquin 2040 Community Plan was prepared by a group of 15 Graduate Students and one professor in the City and Regional Planning Department at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, between September 2010 and March 2011. The Plan, which embodies seven months of research on the existing conditions and future direction for the City of San Joaquin, California, was completed as a component of the graduate degree requirements to obtain a Master of City and Regional Planning degree from the University. The plan represents a collaboration between the City and University.

The students would like to thank everyone who contributed to the research and preparation of this document. Sincere gratitude is extended to City staff for their assistance in data gathering and community outreach efforts. Special thanks are also due to elected City officials and the City Engineer. The students would especially like to thank the citizens of San Joaquin for their participation in community outreach events and positive visions for the future of San Joaquin. Without the participation of City residents, this collaborative effort would not have been successful.


Urban, Community and Regional Planning

Number of Pages




URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/crp_fac/84