History Department
History 303: Research and Writing Seminar in History
Andrew Morris
In recent years, fraternities have grown exponentially at Cal Poly and have served many good purposes on campus. However, from the time of its inception in 1949 until now, there existed a great many problems. Much of the research that exists depicts the negative aspects of fraternities, such as hazing, rape, and racial antagonism. Cal Poly itself has also experienced similar issues throughout the course of its history. Hazing has been an issue at Cal Poly since before any Greek organization was on campus. It is easy to see how that behavior transitioned over once fraternities began arising. An early development of rape culture within SLO county increased the number of rapes at Cal Poly, thus leading to a wider acceptance of rape culture within men in the Greek system. Given that Cal Poly is a predominantly white institution, racial ignorance has sprouted within fraternities leading to act of racial and sexual ignorance as well as exclusion of minorities within the Greek community.