College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Computer Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Computer Engineering
Primary Advisor
John Oliver, College of Engineering, Computer Engineering Department
Additional Advisors
Kellie Hall, College of Science & Mathematics, Kinesiology and Public Health Department
The goal of this project is to design and implement a new control system for the LEDs and buttons on an existing Barrier Knockdown setup in the Cal Poly Kinesiology department. The Barrier Knockdown test is a testing apparatus in which subjects knock down a series of mechanical barriers in one of three patterns. The computer system times their reaction and movement time, and the test as a whole provides students with data to study the phenomenon of Contextual Interference. This system was previously controlled by an old computer setup that ultimately crashed. This project recreates the logic and user interface with an Arduino and a Python executable application, and adds additional sensor logic to automate the testing process.
Included in
Biomechanics Commons, Hardware Systems Commons, Motor Control Commons, Systems and Communications Commons