College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Computer Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Computer Engineering
Primary Advisor
William L Ahlgren
In late winter quarter 2018 the University of New Mexico and Microgrid Labs provided the Cal Poly Electrical Engineering department with their prototype Solar Irradiance Microforecasting (SIMF) hardware. This hardware was provided to the University under the lone condition that data collected with it would be returned to Microgrid Labs to train their weather model. The goal of this senior project was to take the provided hardware and software and make it usable for students in the Cal Poly Electrical and Computer Engineering departments to hack and expand. The end goal with the hardware is near term cloud and weather prediction primarily for solar installations but the hardware is versatile and could be re-purposed easily for other uses. The following report details our teams efforts towards this goal.
The complete source code of the SIMF Python GUI (65138 kB)
A sample data collection run
SIMF Matlab Image (1 kB)
The Matlab code used to do image stitching and processing