College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Computer Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Computer Engineering



Primary Advisor

Michael Haungs, College of Engineering, Computer Science Department


Imagine you are a property manager, and you are currently renting your property to tenants. These tenants, who pay rent continuously for use of the property often leave the burden of upkeep to the property owner (or property manager). If the tenant were to run into an issue with their rental (such as a broken sink, replacement of a faucet, leaking of the roof, … etc.) they would have to coordinate with the property manager, who would then in turn have to manage the logistics of a service contractor and the tenants availability. Eventually, after logistic juggling from the tenant, property manager, and the contractor, the tenant would have their request resolved. Now, imagine the same issue, but multiplied by 10, 100, or even 10,000 rental properties. Each tenant could potentially have a different issue or request that needs to be serviced. This is where LetsHub’s property management platform comes in.

Currently, in the industry of property management, property managers have to manually manage tenant service requests and coordinate those requests with contractors. This involves complex task management from tenants, property managers, and contractors to service tenant requests. The LetsHub platform serves to use computer technology and artificial intelligence to streamline the management of tenant issues. LetsHub’s platform serves to make it easier for tenants, contractors, and property managers to engage and coordinate with each other. The LetsHub platform is up 24/7 and can use natural language artificial intelligence to service tenant requests, streamlining the work for the property manager. Through the property management BOT, a tenant can be sure that their service request is indexed, updated, and accounted for by the property manager. This is because the property management BOT automates the process of creating service requests and updating tenants.

In this senior project assignment, I implemented a segment of the entire LetsHub property management workflow. The workflow will use smart speakers (Google Home and Amazon Alexa) to directly submit and update tenant requests. With this proposed workflow, tenants can now report rental issues and problems through the use of their smart speaker. With smart speaker integration, we allow the tenant to access a new set of BOT features with their voice.