"Geovisualization: Integration and Visualization of Multiple Datasets U" by Cecilia Cadenas

Department - Author 1

Computer Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Computer Engineering



Primary Advisor

Chris Lupo


he use of geovisualizations to analyze multiple datasets can ease the research and investigation to find correlations between these datasets. However, making these visualizations with multiple datasets can be challenging due to the lack of standardization within file formats and the software needed to render the visualizations.

This project investigates the making of these visualizations, maps in this case, using an open source platforms like Mapbox. Using Python scripts for the data parsing, CartoCSS for the designing of the maps, JavaScript to make the maps interactive, and HTML to combine all the layers together a set of maps were created. These maps contained data regarding tons of wine grape data crushed and yearly heat accumulation during the growing season that demonstrate how combining multiple data sets can lead to finding important correlations between these two separate yet related datasets