"Let's Talk Body: An Applied Senior Project on Social Media Body Image" by Katherine R. Tonges and Lindsey J. Dwyer

College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Communication Studies Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Communication Studies

College - Author 2

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 2

Communication Studies Department

Degree - Author 2

BA in Communication Studies



Primary Advisor

Leslie Nelson, College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Department

Additional Advisors

Lauren Kolodziejski, College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Department


This paper discusses the overwhelming presence of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok in the recent generation's (Gen-Z) daily lives. Influencers have become the new celebrities by creating a “relatable and desirable” lifestyle that users aspire to gain. However, the pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards and buy promoted products can lead to negative effects on users' mental health and self-esteem. The authors of this paper (Tonges and Dwyer) have created a podcast and Instagram account to encourage an honest conversation about the impact of social media on one’s actions, emotions, and brain chemistry. By analyzing social media through communication theories such as Social Cognitive Theory, Users and Gratification Theory, and Cultivation Theory, the authors hope to shed light on the problems associated with the use of social media.
