"<em>How to Save a Planet</em>: Communicating Climate Change Efficacy T" by Amanda Kaye Smith

College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Communication Studies Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Communication Studies



Primary Advisor

Lauren R. Kolodziejski, College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Department


The podcast How to Save a Planet represents an emerging form of climate change communication that can be further explored through rhetorical analysis. For people who are interested in climate change but want less doom-and-gloom messaging and more applicable ways to address it, How to Save a Planet presents the unique opportunity to listen in on the discussions of science communicators and climate experts as they detangle the complexity that is climate change. By utilizing the podcast form, hosts Alex Blumberg and Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson can reach a large audience of listeners to bridge the gap between the scientists who work on climate issues and the public audience who care about resolving them. In the pentadic analysis of the podcast, its purpose, agents, and agency will be focused on, as these are the narrative elements that reflect the hosts’ rhetorical intent. After the analysis, an evaluation of the artifact determines that the implementation of these elements in How to Save a Planet bridges a connection between science experts and public audiences, as well as provide efficacy for listeners to act on climate change.
