"The Effect of Communication Medium on Mental Health Outcomes" by Brooke Emily Lyon

College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Communication Studies Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Communication Studies



Primary Advisor

Aubrie Adams, College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies Department


This study examined which form of mental health treatment was considered to be most appealing if an individual is seeking help for a mental health related concern. Furthermore, it detected which communication media was perceived to make people feel the most comfortable, bring the most benefits to mental health, and was the easiest to access when it comes to mental health treatment. This study utilized a posttest-only experimental design to manipulate the different images of communication media that participants saw during the context of a hypothetical therapy session (face-to-face, group, or digital application). Following the experiment, differences amongst groups were compared. Results revealed that although utilizing mental health aid through a digital application is perceived to be the easiest to access, getting help from a professional one-on-one and in person is perceived to make individuals feel the most comfortable, improve one’s mental health state the most, and is the option that people are most likely to utilize. This suggests that there is a greater need for professionals to help people with mental health related issues in an individual setting and that more funding should therefore be allocated towards this method of treatment than towards other forms of aid, such as digital applications or group therapy.
