"Solutions and Findings of the San Diego Homeless Paradox" by Devon A. Nicklas

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Paul Redden, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


There is no question that San Diego is facing a chronic problem of their increasing homeless population. According to HUD, the homeless count as of January 2016 reached a high of 9,116 homeless people in San Diego County. Oddly enough, the city of San Diego reports that the city has seen an increase in new construction by 3.2% over the past several years and expects to see an increase of new construction as high as 12.9% by 2017. This draws the question of why there is still an increasing amount of homeless when so much new construction is underway, and what San Diego is doing to take action. The truth is that they are! This project dives into what San Diego’s future plans are to reduce their homeless population. In addition, this project aims to explore the reasoning on why the dominant type of affordable housing is mixed-use buildings when there are alternative options that are trending. Conflicts with variables such cause of homelessness along with highly concentrated areas of homeless people produced many challenges. However, this lead me to investigate and find areas in San Diego that have cheaper rent that could potentially be ideal areas to implement new affordable homes to ensure the lowest prices.
