College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Paul Eugene Redden, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


The objective of this paper is to highlight and discuss the process of performing quantity take-offs, completing an estimate, and creating a site logistics plan for the Operation WEBS (Women Empowered Build Strong) Tiny Home on Wheels project performed at the Paso Robles State Fair. This project is a part of the interdisciplinary project based senior project completed by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, College of Architecture and Environmental Design students Brendan Moynahan and Jake Torres. Brendan Moynahan performed the deliverables covered in this paper while Jake Torres completed his own deliverables for another paper. Our individual responsibilities came together to create a full preconstruction package for the tiny home on wheels project. This project has been completed with the help of Hunter Smith Architecture, Wethington Engineering Inc., Union Electrician Lloyd Taylor, and Union Plumber Paolo Sena. The goal of the overall project being to provide a place of housing for a displaced female veteran through Sandy Blair’s nonprofit Operation WEBS. Our team intended to design and construct a home that will change the life of a displaced female veteran while also displaying Cal Poly CM students’ ability to provide construction management services on a small-scale residential project. This paper will show the preconstruction process that our team went through to deliver a full preconstruction package and will highlight the details of the quantity take-offs, estimate, and site logistics that were created by Brendan Moynahan.

WEBS THOW - Precon Package.pdf (16775 kB)
Digital Deliverables

WEBS THOW Site Logistics Plan1.pdf (725 kB)
Digital Deliverables
