College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Mark Montoya, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Nonprofit housing developers are playing a critical role in addressing the affordable housing crisis in society. However, they face significant challenges in the current housing landscape. To explore this topic, this project takes a case study approach, using Linc Housing as the primary case study to examine the impact of nonprofit housing developers on the affordable housing crisis and the challenges they face. The project involves a literature review to identify the impact nonprofits can have, key issues, and challenges faced by nonprofit housing developers in the current housing landscape. Additionally, data is collected on Linc Housing's affordable housing development projects, including funding, and community engagement strategies. The analysis of the case study and data collection findings provides insights into the impact of nonprofit housing developers on the affordable housing crisis and the challenges and opportunities they face. The findings of the project suggest that nonprofit housing developers like Linc Housing play a critical role in addressing the affordable housing crisis, especially for low-income communities. However, they face challenges such as financing, zoning regulations, and community opposition. The project recommends improving strategies such as public-private partnerships, creative financing mechanisms, and community engagement strategies. By using Linc Housing as a case study, it provides practical recommendations for improving nonprofit housing development strategies and contributes to the existing literature on affordable housing and nonprofit housing developers.
