College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Joseph Cleary, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
CM 313 Commercial Construction Management at Cal Poly is an integrated lab course and one of the main hands-on learning experiences construction management students participate in. It is currently administered in the quarter system and as the university transitions to the semester calendar, the lab needs to be converted in order to accommodate this change. The main purpose of this project was to document existing practices and improve the process and experience for students, instructional students assistants, Simpson Strong Tie coordinator, and other professors of CM 313. This project included creating a builders guide to help the student assistants by developing a materials specification manual for the SST coordinator, a guidebook comprising each step of the construction process from formwork through reclamation and demolition. It includes materials, processes, and images. The SST coordination sheet is composed of all required materials for the CM 313 lab with quantities, location of purchase, purchase by dates, and image references. This project provided changes to the course as it converts to the semester schedule. The proposal for semester conversion includes recommendations for future location of a new strong frame, potential lab schedules, and potential changes to the class structure based on semester schedule constraints.
Poster Board