College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Paul Weber, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


As a student in Construction Management, the importance of firsthand experience in the construction industry should not be taken lightly. The responsibility of every construction manager is to learn how to take a project from concept to reality. The primary five elements of construction management entail project programming, design development, material specifications, estimating, and scheduling. This paper documents the construction management process related to a Veterans Memorial Wall. Through coordination with the project stakeholders (i.e. property owners, engineer consultants, material fabricators, and vendors) a fully immersive construction management experience is gained. One of the stakeholder requirements was to establish a reasonable budget based on an unknown range that needed to be established. Common knowledge among construction managers is the three controlling variables of time, quality, and budget. A project like the Veterans Memorial Wall has an emotional component that enables the project budget to sit within the moderate to luxury bracket because important people are being remembered. As a result of that bracket, quality tends to reside on the high side and therefore, a longer timeline is required to meet the level of quality. Mounting a granite slab may appear simple in concept; however challenging steps are required for successful execution.

Senior Poster Board_Alex Arroyo.pdf (848 kB)
Poster Board
