"San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden Bridge Rebuild" by Anthony T. Flores

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Thomas F. Kommer, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This paper will outline the process of designing, deconstructing, and reconstructing a utility bridge at the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden. The San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden’s entrance was recently changed deeper into the property. The old entrance was at the front and was home to a bridge utilized by staff, volunteers, and visitors alike. This project’s goal was to rebuild the utility bridge so that it could be used by the facilities staff and volunteers when working on property. There was one student involved in this project who acted as the designer, performed the preconstruction work, and constructed the bridge as well. The design and preconstruction of the bridge was done prior to the plans being approved and procuring the material. The deconstruction and construction phase were focused on the logistics of building the bridge and ensuring it was done on-time, within budget, and to plan. The design phase began by coordinating a schematic design with the garden’s executive team and planning a realistic design that would be shown with details and specifications. This paper will cover the entire process of the project from before and after.

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Poster Board
