College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Philip L. Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This paper will construe the steps of determining the original concept design by discussing the challenges of the current conditions of the scope work, coordinating with the Garden Director by insuring all his requests were met, recycling existing material, implementing skills learned in surveying, installing a new brick walkway, and renovating 31 planter boxes. All of this was designed and installed in the San Luis Obispo Dallidet Adobe & Gardens. These gardens are a historic site located in the heart of San Luis Obispo where the public can utilize this area for certain events. The goal for this project was to renovate the vegetable garden area where it was more appropriate and safer for people to walk through and make more appealing to the eye. This project was broken up into two parts one part being the brick walkway and the other being the renovation of the 31 planters in the vegetable garden. Being two CM students on the project they each took a part however, the students worked collectively to deliver the project. There will be images throughout the paper demonstrating the before and after of each part with a budget breakdown on the savings done on the project.

Final Poster Board.pdf (1985 kB)
Poster Board
