College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Eric Brinkman, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


This project involved the designing and building process of a sustainable, environmentally sound housing option designed for the people of Muhanga, Rwanda. This project was initially inspired by the Earthships built in New Mexico. During the design process the Earthships' design and materials used was evaluated, then altered to better suit Rwanda based on the available natural resources and needs of the people. Rwandans have endured a traumatic history and still experiences struggle today. An example of this is the anti-thatching campaign in 2011 that left thousands of people homeless as they were forced out of their unsafe homes. One way to aid Rwandans in their healing process and give people a sense of safety is to provide a housing design that can make living sustainable and affordable. This project’s goal was to create a safe housing option that offers a level of accessibility to all through a simple design, ability to build it yourself, and use of only resources found in Rwanda. The advantageous features include, no importing of materials, off-grid water collection system, environmentally friendly, and adaptation to Rwanda's agriculture society. This paper describes the project inspiration, design process, and final design including a plan set and schedule.

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