College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Stacy Kolegraff, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
The purpose of this study is to analyze what college students would like to see in their rental units and would potentially pay more for if they had the option. It attempts to identify key features that would make valuable investments for rental unit owners. Data collection consisted of an anonymous online survey. Student respondents in the construction management major at California Polytechnic State University were asked questions regarding their current rental housing unit conditions and monthly rental costs. In addition, respondents were asked to further analyze the importance of a set list of features that could be added to their current rental housing unit, whether these features were already included, and to identify a dollar value range they would be willing to add to their monthly rent if the corresponding features were incorporated into their rental units. Of the 19 features analyzed in this study, students found relative importance in the following nine: washer, dryer, central heating, easily cleanable hard surface flooring, common area, adequate lighting, adequate parking, additional bathroom, and hard surface countertops. Of these features, washer, dryer, and central heating were the top three features respondents expressed that they would pay more for monthly.
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