College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Phil Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
Jonestown, Mississippi has been known to be a place of poverty and in need of infrastructure. A nonprofit, Third Lens Ministries is developing housing for the people of Jonestown, Mississippi. Over the last 9 months, an architect Margy Maher, an engineer Autumn Wagner, as well as myself, a construction management major, have all collaborated in order to design, engineer and plan the perfect Dwelling for the people of Jonestown, Mississippi. While the scope of the project includes community centers and housing, our team’s scope was to focus on the residential development and site work. As the construction manager, my deliverables are the construction scope analysis, which describes each piece of the work performed, a hazard mitigation analysis showing how natural disasters, crime and insect infestations will be mitigated, a construction safety plan outlining safety concerns, preventative maintenance and procedures, a storm water pollution prevention plan outlining how large rainfall will be handled and maintained on site, a site logistics plan showing phasing, material laydown, trailers, path of travel and phasing, an estimate broken into subcategories based on CSI formatting and finally a schedule describing each phase of the project beginning with utilities, residential structures and then site work.
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