College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Phil Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
Passed in 2016, Proposition HHH is a $1.2 billion bill hoping to curb the homelessness epidemic that is rising in the city of Los Angeles with the newly added construction of 10,000 supportive housing units. This study serves to analyze and detail the homelessness epidemic in the Los Angeles Area, familiarizes the reader with how Proposition HHH funding works together with developers, as well as some of its shortcomings to date so far. To garner additional research, a survey was performed with a sample size from both the developers engaged with Proposition HHH and residents of the product in order to gauge how effective the bill has been in tackling the overall issue of homelessness. This survey looks to gather quantitative data from a series of 6 questions asked from 20 developers and 20 residents. A multitude of developers were surveyed from the preconstruction, construction, and completed construction phases of their individual projects. Residents of the completed HHH-funded projects were surveyed outside their associated building. Suggestions and ideas for future research of how to best approach the homelessness issue and Proposition HHH in Los Angeles are described following literature review and research.
Poster Board
Included in
Construction Engineering and Management Commons, Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis Commons