College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Ed Boucher, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Welding repairs of heavy equipment in the field can vary in levels of success. This can be due to the high strength steels used in the manufacture of heavy equipment implements that require special metallurgical considerations. Repair difficulties can be further compounded by the limitations of tooling typically found on a construction site and schedule commitments. Overloading or excessive impacts can cause damage to the bucket teeth of an excavator or bulldozer rippers. A shop could perform a proper repair but that increases cost and takes precious time. A successful repair of these items done out in the field can reduce downtime and improve productivity. This project will attempt to develop a welding procedure that can be done in the field to successfully repair such damage. Considerations will be given for tooling that can typically be found on the construction site and skills familiar to a contractor or operating engineer. Using the structural steel welding code as a guide, different welding procedures will be compared for their ability to successfully weld high strength steels like that found on heavy equipment. Equipped with this welding recipe, anyone who can weld would be able to make a successful repair.

Phil Akahori Poster Board.pdf (31581 kB)
Poster Board
