College - Author 1
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Department - Author 1
Construction Management Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Construction Management
Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Dan Knight, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department
Overhead Cranes, which are more commonly referred to as bridge cranes, provide a substantial amount of flexibility with respect to the user’s ability to move material and heavy equipment throughout a factory or manufacturing facility. Oftentimes, the client is not aware of the benefits of implementing bridge cranes rather than using mobile gantry cranes. The client may not be aware of the benefits of bridge crane installation occurring at the beginning of a project or in fact, including it in the initial design of the project, rather than considering it in the middle of the project. This case study will discuss the advantages of implementing the use of bridge cranes rather than gantry cranes. Additionally, the case study will discuss the benefits of installing bridge cranes at the beginning of a project so that they can be used to install heavy equipment. It will also address the issues that occur if the client decides upon a bridge crane installation during or after the manufacturing facility is built out and fully functioning. The overall objective of this case study is to inform current and future industry members, as well as educators, of the best practices for bridge crane implementation and installation.
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