College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Scott Kelting, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Robotic demolition equipment or demolition robots are robots that resemble excavators without the cab, that can be controlled by an operator at a safe distance. This equipment can access hazardous environments and provides versatility in the demolition methods possible. Robots have become a popular choice for contractors looking for a competitive advantage. Currently there is little research about the demolition robot market and how the industry views the technology. This research first seeks to answer background questions on the users and their experience with demolition robots. The research also answers perception questions such as the benefits, drawbacks, and reasons for adopting demolition robots to their company. The research shows that contractors most often use the robots on commercial or industrial projects, companies own five or less robots on average and view the initial price as the largest drawback. Contractors view safety as the most important benefit and view both safety and a competitive advantage as the main reasons for adopting the technology. The research is useful to see how the industry views the technology and will be of interest to current and prospective users of demolition robots.

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Poster Board
