"Consumption of Single-Use Plastics by a Commercial Construction Firm: " by Christian Michael Dumas

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Scott Kelting, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Most construction sites utilize single-use plastic bottles because they are easy to distribute and guarantee fresh, clean drinking water. The number of bottles consumed on a site is usually an unknown quantity and is not a waste center that is commonly focused on. This case study outlines a mid-sized construction company’s rate of consumption of single-use plastic bottles. This study details the specifics of the project including size, type, value, and number of workers onsite. The information was gained through working closely with an onsite contact in a management position. The range of focus has been narrowed to only the amount of labor provided by the general contractor, in order to focus the study to a single company, rather than an entire site. The rate of consumption and number of plastic bottles consumed over the project’s lifetime was studied. The final estimate found that this company’s projects consumed around 530,000 plastic bottles with a team of 72 onsite workers. The final number of plastic bottles consumed will be applied to companies with projects of similar scope, in order to gain more insight into the amount of single-use plastic waste contributed to the environment by the construction industry.

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