"Use of Drone Technology on Commercial Construction Projects" by Andrew Lin

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

Construction Management Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Construction Management



Primary Advisor/Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Philip Barlow, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Construction Management Department


Every successful construction project is an intricate symphony of project management, jobsite operations, and skilled laborers doing what they do best. While traditional means and methods have proven themselves to be reliable and effective, companies must now look into new and improved approaches to expedite their project delivery and maintain their competitive edge in this booming and demanding market. Furthermore, as expectations for new commercial projects grow, the risks of taking on these projects increase alongside them. Skyscrapers are expected to be taller, buildings more efficient, and company campuses vaster and more state-of-the-art than ever before. With technological innovations such as drones being gradually introduced into the world of construction, companies are now able to perform tasks in ways that save more time, more money, and even more lives. Especially in commercial construction, where projects such as the Salesforce Tower and Apple Park are much bigger and more complex, the use of drones allows builders to affordably see their site from an aerial perspective, which enables better documentation of work progress and provides a superior, holistic understanding of the job in general. This paper will examine the experiences of a commercial builder in the central coast that has recently incorporated drones into their company operations, as well as other commercial builders who are paving the way to making drone usage in construction the norm. Through their brief introduction of drone use, we determine that there are many benefits to be acquired including increased efficiency and unique, creative marketing strategies.
